Apr 30, 2010

"...that Tetris, the first great computer game, was a profoundly Soviet bloc experience. Geometric shapes drop from the sky and your job is to arrange them so as to complete a row. Otherwise it will sit there and build up and completing the next row up becomes more difficult since the pieces no longer have so far to fall. Gradually the game area fills up with the chaos of incomplete rows until you can’t do anything at all. As the room to maneuver dwindles, the pace of the falling pieces increases. The purpose of the game is not to win, merely to postpone losing."

-Ron Silliman

Apr 28, 2010


JL, 2010.
An ideological problematic turns around certain eloquent silences and elisions; and it is so constructed that the questions which are posable within it already presuppose certain kinds of answer. Its fundamental structure is thus closed, circular and self-confirming: wherever one moves within it, one will always be ultimately returned to what is securely known, of which what is unknown is merely an extension or repetition.
-Terry Eagleton
(on Althusser)

Apr 27, 2010

Apr 25, 2010

"Författaren har i detta drömspel med anslutning till sitt förra drömspel "Till Damaskus" sökt härma drömmens osammanhängande men skenbart logiska form. Allt kan ske, allt är möjligt och sannolikt. Tid och rum existera icke; på en obetydlig verklighetsgrund spinner inbillningen ut och väver nya mönster: en blandning av minnen, upplevelser, fria påhitt, orimligheter och improvisationer. Personerna klyvas, fördubblas, dubbleras, dunsta av, förtätas, flyta ut, samlas. Men ett medvetande står över alla, det är drömmarens; för det finns inga hemligheter, ingen inkonsekvens, inga skrupler, ingen lag. Han dömer icke, frisäger icke, endast relaterar; och såsom drömmen mest är smärtsam, mindre ofta glättig, går en ton av vemod, och medlidande med allt levande genom den vinglande berättelsen. Sömnen, befriaren, uppträder ofta pinsam, men när plågan är som stramast, infinner sig uppvaknandet och försonar den lidande med verkligheten, som huru kvalfull den än kan vara, dock i detta ögonblick är en njutning, jämförd med den plågsamma drömmen. "

August Strindberg, Ett Drömspel.

Apr 23, 2010

Apr 22, 2010

Nave espacial, interior.
(Cocinando con Erisictón, 2010)

Apr 21, 2010

"To travel in space you must leave the old verbal garbage behind: God talk, country talk, mother talk, love talk, party talk. You must learn to exist with no religion no country no allies. You must learn to live alone in silence. Anyone who prays in space is not there."
- William S. Burroughs, The Job.

Apr 20, 2010

Apr 18, 2010


Glen or Glenda, Ed Wood Jr. (1953)

Apr 17, 2010

Stig Dagerman

Apr 16, 2010

Apr 15, 2010

Apr 14, 2010

Apr 11, 2010

"The most important thing in art is The Frame. For painting: literally; for other arts: figuratively – because without this humble appliance, you can’t know where The Art stops and The Real World begins."
-Frank Zappa

Apr 9, 2010


Apr 8, 2010

Apr 7, 2010

Van Gogh Action Figure

Apr 5, 2010

Apr 4, 2010

By being autonomous art can point away from itself, outside it’s autonomy to problems, or situations in the World outside art.

This is how I work right now (lately), this is a space I seek to understand how I inhabit. (like, for example, “How to Write” by G. Stein, and “The Archaeology of Knowledge” by M. Foucault). This is my understanding of what has been taught to me during the course of my studies, and my understanding of art – as from the point of view of the ARTIST (not the historian, anthropologist, critic, administrator, etc.)

It is the intent to create a method, a strategy, to create (create is to explain, to explain is to create something) A POINT OF VIEW, but this point of view is impossible (arbitrary), built up out of something arbitrary, in an arbitrary way – but so IS EVERYTHING else also.

And I cannot (it makes no sense to) explain this strategy/method using other methods. HOW you say something is WHAT you say. You cannot explain in “other words”; that would be to explain OTHER things.

Jürgen Lombardi. Introduction to applied difference. Scoreggia Press: Milan, 1997.

Apr 3, 2010

JL, 2010.

Apr 2, 2010

Apr 1, 2010