Sep 29, 2010

Sep 28, 2010

Charles Burchfield
Dandelion Seed Heads and the Moon
Watercolour, gouache, charcoal, and sgraffito on lightly textured white wove paper faced on 1/4-inch-thick laminated grey cardboard.
142,2 x 99 cm

Sep 25, 2010

Gustave Courbet
El arroyo de Puits Noir, 1865
94 x 135 cm

Sep 20, 2010

Sep 19, 2010

Jag har inget mer att säga

Tillägnas varmt ALLA politiker denna val-dag.
Vi hoppas ni vet att vi hatar er.
Vi hoppas ni vet att tack vare er egoism, ondska, dumhet, och feghet så är världen varje dag lite sämre...

Sep 18, 2010

Sep 16, 2010

Tres torres: Oxyrynchus, Lepidotus, Phragus.
("Concept art" (Diseño de producción) - propuesta (rechazada) de escenografía para Cocinando con Erisictón)

Sep 14, 2010

We have been walking too long in someone else's sleep. There is a nagging sense - we reward ourselves by insisting upon it - of having travelled through a dark night of the soul, a lightless tunnel. Sick colours spiral from the grey-mauve scurf of cathode-ray addiction, recessing to some infinitely remote, infinitely cold region: dead stars. Any action, however stupid, outranks contemplation.

- Iain Sinclair, Lights Out for the Territory.

Sep 13, 2010

Grant Morrison & Mike Dringenberg
Doom Patrol # 42, march, 1991.

Sep 12, 2010

Sep 10, 2010

Sep 9, 2010

Sep 8, 2010

Sep 6, 2010

James Whistler "Nocturne: Blue and Gold - St Mark's, Venice". 1879-80.

Sep 5, 2010

Sep 4, 2010

"Easy Freedom" (1)

Sep 3, 2010

(Geometry in) Time
A ruin
In pieces
This is where it all happened
So long ago
Or tomorrow

(Geometry in) Space
Direction is uncertain
Was I going up or down?
Leaving or joining?
Any point of reference to determine
Cause and direction

Nero Holes (1973)

This "poetic diptych", published here for the first time, is the last known work of recluse poet Nero Holes, who disappeared in upstate Maryland in 1974. His only published work, the five-part elegy After, after. Burn. (dismissed as a Saussurean S/F debacle), told from the point of view of Cleopatra reincarnated as a supercomputer in the year 2312, treats the same cluster of themes.
A.F. Bytt (red). Taxonomy of Forgotten Poets of the 20th Century. Buffalo; University of West Seneca. 1993. P. 54-55.