Jun 27, 2013

Erysichthon smiled.
Erysichthon smiled.
Erysichthon smiled.
Eons of star galaxy spaceship floating.
Erysichthon took the step he always already had meant to be taking earlier. Stars of galaxies and space and floating. A long strand of short red hair in his mouth, and black metal pins through his back.
Looking inwards he whispered.
-“I am not sure anymore, if I ever was.”
Houx, a short fat balding French writer of fiction, sat in the blue oval chair.
-“Movie dialogue needs to be pithier, I think.” He said.
-“Yes, true. But I am not a movie”. Erysichthon answered. Any calm had left him. His calves vibrated slightly, only slightly.
-“Still,” He continued, alone ”am I not mistaken. Am I not doing what should not be done? Am I not transparent, now, am I not…”
A large marble eyeball crashed through the roof. Erysichthon leaped towards the control module, his taut lean muscular body gleaming through space, and before he landed, with catlike poise and aplomb, he removed the dictionary from his pants, and smiled sadly.
Houx had begun gutting fish that he removed from a large whicker basket at a leisurely pace.
-“There are more words, you know. More…apt…maybe.”
He threw the fish guts on the floor.
A dress with flowers fell out of the large dark mahogany cupboard. Smaller birds sat still. The flowers did not bleed.
-“I will do harm” Said Erysichthon, his face red with fear and anger. “I will do harm.”

A.N Houx. The Erysichthon Chronicles, vol 1 (1989, unpublished)

JL, 2013.

Jun 22, 2013

Jun 21, 2013

Burlington, Vermont
I’m not exactly sure why I’m writing this letter, but I’ve been reading TCJ #188 for a couple hours now and my mind has just been racing and blood pounding. My excitement with the power and possibilities of comics mixed with the fear of a royally screwed-up marketplace… well, let’s just say I’ve got a weird, shaky adrenaline rush.
I just felt suddenly like I had to write and say craft is the enemy! You could labor your whole life perfecting your “craft,” struggling to draw better, hoping one day to have the skills to produce a truly great comic. If this is how you’re thinking, you will never produce this great comic, this powerful work of art, that you dream of. There’s nothing wrong with trying to draw well, but that is not of primary importance.
What every creator should do, must do, is use the skills they have right now. A great masterpiece is within reach if only your will power is strong enough (just like Green Lantern). Just look within yourself and say what you have to say. Cezanne and Jackson Pollock (and many other great painters) were horrible draughtsmen! It was only through sheer will power to be great that they were great. The fire they had inside eclipsed their lack of technical skill. Although they started out shaky and even laughable, they went on to create staggering works of art.
This letter is not for the established creators… they’re hopeless. This letter is for the young bucks and does… let’s kick some fucking ass!

From & more:

Jun 20, 2013

RIP James Gandolfini

RIP Kim Thompson

Jun 19, 2013

Jun 18, 2013

Jun 17, 2013

"What he did not know then is that it is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane."
Philip K. Dick

Jun 13, 2013


H J Draper
Ulysses and the Sirens (1909)

“El crítico de Arte es el que logra – como Ulises – resistir la llamada del Arte. Es quién, como el sujeto burgués que señala Adorno y Horkheimer, se hace sordo ante sus propios deseos. Es el sujeto que se reprime. Nosotros nos dejamos llevar, nosotros nos unimos al Arte, y al no resistir nos hacemos también Artistas.”
  – A. N. Houx.

Jun 11, 2013

I dreamed they locked God up
Down in my basement
And he waited there for me
To have this accident
So he could drink my wine
And eat me like a sacrament


Jun 8, 2013

JL, 2013
Acrílico sobre cartulina.

Jun 7, 2013

Jun 4, 2013

"We can very easily imagine a time close at hand when any fairly well-to-do person will be able to leave his country indefinitely in order to taste his own national death in an interminable, aimless voyage."
- Paul Ricoeur

Jun 2, 2013

JL, 2013