Jan 31, 2016

A photo posted by @hizt1000 on

Jan 30, 2016

Jan 28, 2016

Sidney Nolan (Australian, 1917-1992)

Jan 27, 2016

Calendrier Magique
 (Manuel Orazi & Austin De Croze, 1895)

Jan 26, 2016

Daido Moriyama

Jan 25, 2016

“Perhaps, when we remember wars, we should take off our clothes and paint ourselves blue and go on all fours all day long and grunt like pigs. That would surely be more appropriate than noble oratory and shows of flags and well-oiled guns.” — Kurt Vonnegut

Jan 24, 2016

Mexico City (2015)
John Lundberg

Jan 23, 2016

A photo posted by @hizt1000 on

Cy Twombly

Jan 22, 2016


Mai The Psychic Girl 
Ryoichi Ikegami

Mai The Psychic Girl 
Ryoichi Ikegami

Jan 21, 2016

Jan 20, 2016


‘You’d Be A *Story*.’
Promethea #1 (1999), artists: J.H. Williams III & Mick Gray


Alan Moore

Jan 19, 2016

Lars Lerin

Lars Lerin

Jan 18, 2016

son todas mentiras sé que son todas mentiras y sé que no eres tu pero aun así no logro         son todas mentiras aun si no entiendo como funciona quien porque para que      pero no me engaña....      aun si sé
son todas mentiras


lo sé        sé



Jorge Gómez del Campo Aguilar

whiskey for cold.
a slow .

I stole                             loved         and wanted

a friend had an idea for an image
I ages and I stole it. what did I steal? the idea? the image?....

Blood. eat heart.

man looking at camera:
text (on screen) (man looking at camera) this is the full archive, all the material –visual, textual aural. this is all the material.

the full truth. wht to do then? looking for the map.
what is a the map?
what is w e  looking for here?
Set out.
Outset. Date. Go.
aft. set .
a year ago. now. burn.

Jan 17, 2016

Julio Dolbeth

Jan 16, 2016

Jan 15, 2016

Jan 14, 2016

El Chapo, México (enero, 2016)
John Lundberg

Alejandro Jodorowsky


Jan 12, 2016

Jan 11, 2016

Jan 8, 2016

I can’t remember why I started the instagram thing? But it has become really fun. A psychogeographic game of finding the hidden geometric meanings of my surroundings, of my meandering meaningless shit life. It’s doing just the thing I like about art: create meaning through chance encounters in such a way as to create synchronicity; rifts in causality making it impossible to establish cause and effect, melting yourself into the landscape. Reality-bleed. Finding things that maybe aren’t there, but are once you find them. Creating ugly stupid fun images of what actually constitutes me subconsciously, text and context being one. It isn’t that once the secret underground unconscious coordinates controlling you are found out (detective-style), ferreted out (animal-tracking-style), lined up, shot, you can control them, you can’t – the whole idea of control evaporates.

A photo posted by @hizt1000 on

Jan 5, 2016