May 20, 2011

-"I'll have you know I am a third degree official empire administrator, and I…"
He suddenly stopped talking mid-sentence, as the man he was facing drew his blaster from its holster.
-"You're an administrator… a bureaucrat…"
Han smiled
-"Why, that is just a fancy name for a parasite. Other people create, make things, advances the course of the universe… And you guys just move these things around, take credit for what you haven't actually created… get fat, bloated off of honest peoples work… Parasites…"
The administrator, his face almost as grey as his uniform, bit his lip, and whispered defiantly
-"And what do you do?"
Han's smile grew wider.
"Me? I'm just a guy got tired of your kind…"

The Flame Nebulas
The Apocryphal Adventures of Han Solo (vol. 1)

F. Gregory. (Chapbook. Undated. Printed in Czechoslovakia.)

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