Jan 20, 2012

Miriam Rosen: You've said, "To make a film, you still have to write," but perhaps it should be, "In order for me to make a film ..."
Chantal Akerman: No, no. It's not for me; it's because you have to ask for money. But that suits me, in fact. It's good for me [in English in original]. Because the minute I start writing, I like it. But for the documentaries now, they want it to be more and more defined, and I absolutely cannot define things. So I circle around it. I write around the film, around the hole, let's say, or around the void. Because I want to go make a documentary without knowing what I'm doing. They always demand, "Tell us what you're going to do." And all I can tell you is that I just don't know. It's precisely because of this lack of knowledge that there can be a film.

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