Jun 27, 2013

Erysichthon smiled.
Erysichthon smiled.
Erysichthon smiled.
Eons of star galaxy spaceship floating.
Erysichthon took the step he always already had meant to be taking earlier. Stars of galaxies and space and floating. A long strand of short red hair in his mouth, and black metal pins through his back.
Looking inwards he whispered.
-“I am not sure anymore, if I ever was.”
Houx, a short fat balding French writer of fiction, sat in the blue oval chair.
-“Movie dialogue needs to be pithier, I think.” He said.
-“Yes, true. But I am not a movie”. Erysichthon answered. Any calm had left him. His calves vibrated slightly, only slightly.
-“Still,” He continued, alone ”am I not mistaken. Am I not doing what should not be done? Am I not transparent, now, am I not…”
A large marble eyeball crashed through the roof. Erysichthon leaped towards the control module, his taut lean muscular body gleaming through space, and before he landed, with catlike poise and aplomb, he removed the dictionary from his pants, and smiled sadly.
Houx had begun gutting fish that he removed from a large whicker basket at a leisurely pace.
-“There are more words, you know. More…apt…maybe.”
He threw the fish guts on the floor.
A dress with flowers fell out of the large dark mahogany cupboard. Smaller birds sat still. The flowers did not bleed.
-“I will do harm” Said Erysichthon, his face red with fear and anger. “I will do harm.”

A.N Houx. The Erysichthon Chronicles, vol 1 (1989, unpublished)


Unknown said...

Holaa John ¿como estas, como te trata la vida?
Scott Walker, que voz tan inconfundible, me gusta!,
¿Ya escuchaste el nuevo disco? esta buenisimo, te dejo el link de un video. Saludos!!


J. Lundberg said...

Yo muy bien! Tu que tal?
"Scott 4" es de mis discos favoritos, pero sus cosas mas nuevas no sé… Creo que tendría que esforzarme más, de veras sentarme a escucharlo bien.

Unknown said...

Voy a escuchar Scott 4, la verdad no lo he escuchado.
Te mando un fuerte abrazo ojala nos veamos prontito. Saludos!!

J. Lundberg said...

No diré mas de "Scott 4", pero es una cosa impresionante. De mis 10 discos favoritos (…pero son como 50 discos que están dentro de mis 10 favoritos, dependiendo del día.)
Un abrazo!